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Mergers and Acquisitions

Merging Safely: Enhancing Security in Mergers and Acquisitions with FireMon

31 min watch

As companies undergo mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities, businesses place an enormous amount of pressure on IT to accurately deliver the large volume of required network changes on time and within budget.

Whether identifying which network assets to uncouple as part of a divestiture or attempting to integrate disparate systems while maintaining regulatory compliance, without the right tools, teams face an uphill battle. Fortunately, FireMon’s scalable, flexible, and customizable solutions help address these issues.

This webinar delves into the escalating importance of cybersecurity amidst the fluctuating landscape of global M&A activities. Attendees will gain insights into overcoming common challenges and leveraging strategic security measures essential for successful and secure M&As.

Tim Woods

Tim Woods

VP Technology Alliances, FireMon

FireMon has been at the forefront of the security management category, delivering first-ever functionality such as firewall behavior testing, workflow integration, traffic flow analysis and rule recertification. Our solutions have helped more.

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