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Introducing FireMon Insights: Industry-First Network Security Benchmarking Solution.

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Black Hat

August 6th-8th, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV

Schedule an Informal Chat

FireMon at Black Hat

FireMon will be in Las Vegas during Black Hat! We have a few opportunities to meet with you during the busy week so please feel free to schedule a meeting here to talk about how FireMon can help you with your security initiatives:

  • Security Policy Management: Increase visibility, reduce risk, enforce compliance, and speed change for your cloud and firewall network security policies.
  • Cyber Asset Management: Continuously discover the full extent of your connected enterprise, including all networks, connections, and endpoints, creating a single source of truth for asset visibility and management.
  • Cloud Security Management: Real-time cloud security, compliance, inventory, and threat detection with just-in-time authorization control.

FireMon Activities

Cabana at the Mandalay Bay Pool
Date: Monday, August 5th
Time: 11 AM
Limited Availability. Please reach out to your Account Manager if interested in an invite.

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Schedule a meeting with subject matter experts to discuss the latest technology and newest features.

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